Hi every one! In this lesson I will be talking about Interrogative words like why, what, who, how and so on... I am also announcing the start of the FREE promotion of the Kindle book Lebanese Arabic Phrasebook Vol. 1.
In this lesson I will teach you the verb "to want" and how to use it in sentences. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
Hi again everyone, this lesson will be about the names of body parts in Lebanese Arabic. I hope you will enjoy it and find it interesting. Have fun and don't forget to share it if you like it :)
Learn Arabic or, more specifically, Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
Learn Arabic or, more specifically, Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
Here's a new lesson, where I will teach you two new letters of the Arabic Alphabet: "Seen" and "Sheen", as well as the Lebanese names of some of the fruits available this season. I hope you'll enjoy it and don't forget to like it and share it with your friends! Cheers :)
Learn Arabic Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from English to Arabic (Lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
Learn Mandarin Sentence Pattern " While.. and Not only.. But also.. in Mandarin Chinese.Subject + Yi4 Bian + Verb, + Yi4 Bian + VerbIt's going to be very funny in the next video, so don't miss it!
Can you speak like the Beatles? Not bloody likely! Well, you CAN learn to speak with a Liverpudlian accent IF you check out this video and wrap your head and tongue around the words. This accent is a wonderful one and recognized around the world as the dialect spoken by the Fab 4. It almost sounds Scottish, but it's 100% working class England. John Lennon had the best example out of the Beatles of this accent, with George Harrison coming second. Paul and Ringo did not have particularly good...
Planning a trip to the Philippines? You'll want to pick up a little Tagalog before you go! This tutorial is perfect for a beginner to the language. Learn how to say a few basic words, greetings and phrases in Tagalog.
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to ten in French: "un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, neuf, dix"! While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to one hundred in perfect French" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
People respond so much better to requests when you add the word "please" in front of them. So if you're stuck in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, it's vital that you add "please" when necessary to establish good manners, so that people will help you out.
If for whatever reason you are marooned in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, the key to your livelihood will be in how well you communicate. One of the most important Spanish phrases you need to learn is how to say "Nice to meet you." Saying this will gain you friends and favors.
Are you studying abroad in Spain? Then at one point or another you will find yourself in situation of saying either to your roommate or sexy hot fling that you're going to work.
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you and your family don't speak the same language. Get through at least the beginning of your Thanksgiving dinner by checking out this video.
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you don't speak the same language. If you have family that only speaks French, check out this video to learn how to say "I'm thirsty."
Are your relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? It's probably hard enough entertaining the adults with conversation while trying to keep the kids from drawing on your walls, and probably even harder when some of your relatives only speak a foreign language that you don't speak.
Got relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? While entertaining - and sometimes trying not to strangle - loved ones is hard enough on Turkey Day, when those relatives only speak a foreign language, things get plain awkward.
Got relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? While entertaining - and sometimes trying not to strangle - loved ones is hard enough on Turkey Day, when those relatives only speak a foreign language, things get plain awkward.
In this tutorial, we learn how to say differences in Italian like "happy" & "sad". To say "happy", you would say "felice" and to say "sad" you would say "triste. To say "hot" you would say "caldo" and to say "cold" you would say "freddo". To say "good" you would say "buono" and to say "bad" you would say "cattivo". Just learning how to say differences will help you out a lot while saying different words in everyday sentences. The more words you learn, the better idea you will have when saying...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn how to say the phrase "I don't speak English" in Polish. It is spoken for us in Polish.
It is then broken down so we can see that "nie mowie" means "I don't speak" and "angielsku" means "English."
The voice then repeats the phrase numerous times giving you ample time to learn and practice the new phrase you have just learned.
In this video, we learn how to say "here you are" in Polish. First, turn your audio up on the screen so you can hear how the speaker is saying each of the different words. You may need to pause it at different parts so you can speak like he is speaking. Try to break up the sentence into different parts so you can practice just one word instead of the whole group of words. When you are finished learning each word, you can practice saying all of them together and learn the entire sentence! Have...
Another Italian language video that teaches some of the other basic words in the language. The knowledge of shapes too is essential when conversing in any language.
The words shown in the video are very commonly used. The presenter in this video, simply takes the shape in his hands and narrates the English as well as Italian names of the object. Finally the narrator feeds that object to a shark (I an not joking here.).
The above process is repeated almost throughout the length of the...
In this video from EnglishTeacherLive we learn some study tips on how to improve your English.
1.Don't be shy. Take every opportunity you can to learn English.
2.Learn phrases, not just single words. It's easier to remember and much more useful, plus you'll learn grammar at the same time.
3.Learn with your ears, not with your eyes. Put the emphasis on listening!
4.Repeat, repeat, repeat. This is so important because we learn only after repetition. Don't be afraid to repeat the same...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say the names of colors in Italian. The colors are easy to learn! White is biano, the snow is la neve. Pair these together to talk about the color of snow! Yellow is giallo and "the banana" is "la banana". Pair these together to talk about the color of a banana! Red is 'rosso', green is 'verde', and blue is 'azzurro'. Purple is 'violetto', gray is 'grigio', and gold is 'oro'. A lot of these sound just like Spanish but have a small twist to them! Just practice...
In this video, we learn how to say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in Vietnamese. To say "thank you" you will say "C‡m _n". To say "thank you very much" you will say "C‡m _n R_t Nhi_u". To say "you're welcome" you will say "Kh™ng C— Chi". To say "no problem" you would say "Kh™ng Sao". Remember these phrases when you are in different scenarios, whether you're in the grocery store or you're in the street. Listen to the speaker in the video to better understand how each of the words are spoken and...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn how to say a few phrases in Polish. They are shown on the screen in English and Polish. Here are the phrases that are taught:
"Don't be afraid."
"nie boj sie"
"don't worry"
"nie martw sie"
"dont be upset"
"nie denerwuj sie"
"don't be concerned"
"nie przejmuj sie"
Each phrase is shown on screen in the video and then read out loud so you can hear the correct pronunciation. You then have time to practice speaking it on your own.
In this tutorial, we learn how to say "yes, no, maybe, & no, thank you" in Vietnamese. To say "yes", you will say "D_" in Vietnamese, this sounds like "yah". To say "no", you will say "Kh™ng". To say "maybe" you will say "C— Th_", which sounds like "caw tay". Last, to say "no thank you", you will say "D_ Kh™ng, C‡m _n". It's important that you listen to the audio in the video so you can get a good idea of exactly how to say each of the words. Break it down and practice a lot to be able to say...
In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn some words that are useful while at a park in Italian. A disclaimer before the video states that this video is designed to teach non Italian speakers some basic phrases. Here are the words that are learned in this lesson:
Things At A Park
Le Cose In Un Parco
parco giochi per i bambini
curly slide
scivolo spirale
drinking fountain
fontana d'acqua...
In this video, we learn how to talk about things in a kitchen in Italian. Learning Italian around the kitchen can be easy, you just need to make sure you say the words our right. Sugar in Italian is "zucchero", coffee maker is "caffetiera", cup is "tazza", and plate is "piatto". Remember if you are talking about bigger or smaller things, the word will change. Just by learning these basic words in Italian, you can better understand how to speak Italian and be on your way to learning more! Pay...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn some basic Polish phrases.
The first phrase is "I'd like to make an appointment to see a dentist." In Polish this is "Chce sie umowic na wizyte u dentysty."
Next phrase is "Can I come this afternoon?"
In Polish this is "Czy moge przyjsc dzisiaj po poludniu."
Next phrase is "I don't feel very well."
In Polish this is "Zle sie czuje."
Next is "I have a headache."
In Polish this is "Boli mnie glowa."
All of these phrases are read aloud...
In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn how to say various positions in Italian. This is taught by showing someone doing these positions in, in front, and other ways around a box. Here are the phrases that we learn in this video:
The Box - La Scatola
In front - Davanti
Behind - Dietro
In or inside - Dentro
Under - Sotto
On/On top - Sopra
Between - Tra/Fra
This video teaches these phrases by not only showing the word on the screen and speaking it out loud, but it also gives a...
In this video, we learn how to say basic ordering phrases in Polish: "Menu" & "tea". When watching the video, you need to make sure you practice saying out the words after you hear them spoken. The words will appear on the screen as they are being said out loud. After you hear the word, practice saying it and break it down into different parts if you don't understand it at first. With this video, you will learn how to say a bunch of different things to order things while in a coffee or tea...
Learning a few basic sentences or phrases in any language can be helpful sometimes in certain situations. This is particularly important when considering words like "hello", "what is your name" or "my name is" etc. There phrases find their use in everyday interactions.
The first part of this video teaches the translation as well as the correct pronunciation of the above mentioned phrases in Vietnamese. Each phrase is repeated twice for clarity. Finally, the later part of a video depicts...
In this video from AbcSchoolOfPolish we learn various phrases that you can use to compliment your partner. The phrases are read out loud in Polish twice and shown on the screen so you can learn them. Here are the phrases we learn:
You are handsome.
Jestes przystojny
Your eyes are so beautiful.
Masz takie piekne oczy
I like your gorgeous smile.
Podoba mi sie twoj sliczny usmiech
Can I hold your hand?
Czy moge trzymac Cie za reke?
Can I kiss you?
Czy moge Cie...
In this free video language lesson from Sunny Park of Mahalo, we learn how to say, pronounce and write the Korean words for "Can you help me?" For details, and to get started using this handy Korean phrase yourself, watch this guide for Korean language learners.
In this free video language lesson from Sunny Park of Mahalo, we learn how to say, pronounce and write the Korean words for "you're beautiful" using both formal and informal language. For details, and to get started using this handy Korean phrase yourself, watch this guide for Korean language learners.
In this free video language lesson from Sunny Park of Mahalo, we learn how to say, pronounce and write the Korean words for "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas." For details, and to get started using this handy Korean phrase yourself, watch this guide for Korean language learners.