How To: Tell someone hello in Italian by saying "ciao" or "buongiorno"

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the Italian word for "hello" While Italian isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task. For more information, and to get started using this useful Italian phrase yourself, watch this video guide.

How To: Count from 1 to 10 in Vietnamese

In this tutorial we learn how to say number 1 to 10 in Vietnamese. When you learn how to say this, make sure you have the accent down right or understand how to read the language. M™t = One, Hai = Two, Ba = Three, Bon = Four, Nam = Five, Sau = Six, Bay = Seven, Tam = Eight, Chin = Nine, and Muoi = Ten. Listen to the video so you can hear how to properly say each of the words. These are pretty simple and basic, so you shouldn't have any problem saying them at all. Enjoy learning this beautiful...

How To: Use the antes de and despues de verbs in Spanish

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak Spanish: Antes de / despues de + verb. If you want to say "I eat breakfast before I go to school" you will say "yo desayuno antes de ir a la escuela". You will change a verb in the phrase depending on where it is placed in the sentence. If you change this same example sentence around, it will sound different in the Spanish version of the same exact sentence than the original. To express the opposite idea, you will change the end of the verb to state the...

How To: Use "It's + adjective + infinitive" in English

In this video, we learn how to use "It's + adjective + infinitive" in English. To form these sentences, you will use the pattern that is stated above. This is very common in the English language, and you can put whatever you want into the sentence as the infinitive. You can change this from "it's hard to do" to It's not hard to do" to "it's easy to do". You can also make something negative, by giving it the prefix "im", which would change "possible" to "impossible". You can also ad in "un" to...

How To: Use the subjunctive with verbs of volition in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Subjunctive with verbs of volition. Volition is requests when someone asks, needs, or wants something. To form these, you must first take the "yo" form and remove the final "o". Then, you will add in the opposite vowel endings. For example, with "yo hablo" you would say, "yo hable" or "hables". This will change if you are talking about a group of people, one person, or a formal group of people. A verb with the "er" ending will change to "a" or "es...

How To: Say 'what is your name' and 'my name is' in French

Meeting new people can be hard for some people, especially if they're using a different language, like French. This video will teach you how to say "what is your name" and "my name is" in French. To ask someone their name, a stranger or someone older than you, ask, "Comment vous appelez-vous?". When asking someone your own age, it's "Comment tu t'appelles?" To answer, say "Je m'appelle" + Your Name. Example: "Je m'appelle David."

How To: Say "yes, no, maybe, & no, thank you" in Vietnamese

In this tutorial, we learn how to say "yes, no, maybe, & no, thank you" in Vietnamese. To say "yes", you will say "D_" in Vietnamese, this sounds like "yah". To say "no", you will say "Kh™ng". To say "maybe" you will say "C— Th_", which sounds like "caw tay". Last, to say "no thank you", you will say "D_ Kh™ng, C‡m _n". It's important that you listen to the audio in the video so you can get a good idea of exactly how to say each of the words. Break it down and practice a lot to be able to say...

How To: Say "I like you" & "I love you" in Vietnamese

Do you want to spice up your relationship and say something romantic on valentine's day? How about saying "I love you" or "I like you" in Vietnamese? This will sound different depending on if a guy or a girl is saying to one another. For a girl to say "I like you" to a guy, she would say "Em th’ch anh" and for a guy to say it to a girl, they would say "Anh th’ch em". For a girl to say "I love you" to a guy, she would say "Em yu anh". For a guy to say it to a girl, he would say "Anh yu em".

How To: Tell someone that you don't speak Italian by saying "Io non parlo italiano"

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the Italian words for "I don't speak Italian." While Italian isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task. For more information, and to get started using this useful Italian phrase yourself, watch this video guide.

How To: Say "I had a good time" in perfect French

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "I had a good time": "J'ai passé un bon moment." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.

How To: Say "goodnight" in Polish

Learn how to say "Good night" in Polish in simple and easy steps. 1. First find out the correct Polish word for the English word "Good night" which is "dobranac". 2. Now spell out Polish correctly without any spelling mistakes. 3. Try to speak out the word slowly and ensure you pronounce the Polish word exactly. 4. Practice it a few times until you pronounce it correctly without any mistakes.

How To: Count & say the numbers in Cherokee

Check out this instructional language video to learn how to speak Cherokee! In this lesson, learn how to count the numbers one through twenty. This tutorial is great for beginners who want to improve their Cherokee language skills. Practice your Cherokee by learning the numbers and how to count!

How To: Use the verb "have" for eating and drinking

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the verb "have" for eating and drinking. When someone asks you what you are eating or what you did eat, you will have to use the word "have" to answer or even if you want to ask the question you have. An example of asking something a question like this would be, "what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch or dinner?" Any question with meals will have the word "have" mixed into it, because it's asking what you are going to or have eating in a different ...

How To: Say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in Vietnamese

In this video, we learn how to say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in Vietnamese. To say "thank you" you will say "C‡m _n". To say "thank you very much" you will say "C‡m _n R_t Nhi_u". To say "you're welcome" you will say "Kh™ng C— Chi". To say "no problem" you would say "Kh™ng Sao". Remember these phrases when you are in different scenarios, whether you're in the grocery store or you're in the street. Listen to the speaker in the video to better understand how each of the words are spoken an...

How To: Write and say "I love you" in Mandarin Chinese

In this video, we learn how to write and say "I love you" in Mandarin Chinese. Start out by saying "wuh" then "I" and then, "knee". Say each of the different parts individually at first. Then, say all of them together in one entire word. From here, you will have said "I love you" in Chinese! To write this, follow the writing that is on the screen and learn how to write out the different symbols that are included in this language. Once you understand this, you can start to learn more basic con...

How To: Use the entes de and después de verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Antes de / DespuŽs de + verbs. When you say "antes de" this means before and "despues de" means after. Saying these in sentences can help describe doing something at a specific time. The formula for this is to have the "antes/despues de" + an infinitive. Learning some basic reflexives can help you describe what you are doing. For example, "levantarse" means to get up. You will change the tense of the verb depending on when you did it, then change ...

How To: Use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese

In this tutorial, we learn how to use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese. These are common phrases that anyone can learn, and can help you in everyday Brazilian Portuguese speech. When you are wanting to compliment someone or tell them something romantic, you can say a number of different things. The word "lu" is another word for love, so you could use this my saying "mi lu, linda" which would be "my love, Linda". To say "you are very pretty/cute" you would say "voce e muito linda". To ...

How To: Use the passive voice in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use the passive voice in Spanish. The first way to use the passive voice in Spanish is to use "ser", the second is by using "se". First, recognize the subject, verb, and object in your sentence. Now, write your sentence using a passive voice, making the object the subject and change the tense of the verb. This is very easy to do and basically just flips the sentence around and changes out the tense of the verb. This will change the sentence into the passive voic...

How To: Use Japanese expressions for "lazy"

In this video, we learn how to use Japanese expressions for "lazy". This is difficult to translate for most people, because of how it's expressed and said. Mendo-Kusai is expressing something you don't feel like doing. This is something that takes too much effort, and you can take this to someone casually or with your friends. An example is if you don't feel like doing your homework, or you don't want to walk all the way around a grocery store. This basically means you are being lazy and don'...

How To: Ask someone if they speak English in French

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask someone if they speak english: "Parlez-vous anglais?" or "Est-ce que vous parlez anglais?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.

How To: Say words & phrases relating to dating in Polish

In this tutorial, we learn how to say words and phrases related to dating in Polish. "Czy umowisz sie ze mna" means "would you like to go out with me". So, if you want to ask someone out on a date, that is how you would do it! "Czy chcesz pojechac do kina" means "would you like to go to the movies". To say, "I like you very much", you will say "bardzo cie lubie". To tell a woman that she is beautiful, you would say "jestes piekna". Finally, to ask someone if you can kiss them, say "czy moge c...

How To: Write the Japanese character, "hito" meaning "human"

Writing the word “human” using Japanese characters or writing (also known as kanji) is deceptively easy. It can be completed in as little as two downward, curving strokes. Beginning from the top, draw a line downward, curving the direction of the pen or pencil slightly to the left as you go. Next, find the halfway point of the line you have just drawn. Once you have found the halfway point, draw a line from the halfway point downwards and curving slightly to the right. The end result will loo...

How To: Describe situations that didn't happen in the past

This video shows us how to describe the situations that are opposite of the future perfect tense. Here it is shown how to describe the situations that did or did not happen in the past using would, have and past participle. He gives us 3 very good examples that are describing such situations. In these examples he describes a situation which happened in the past which is actually a negative and uses a fact that is described in the present tense to give the reason why that situation ended in a ...

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