![Calligraphy of the Chinese characters for "autumn" and "winter" being written.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634752807299903006_8428dc2159.webp)
This video will teach you how you can write and pronounce the Chinese word for winter, dong. ...
![Calligraphy in progress with a hand holding a brush over paper.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634755519077441870_e14b7e4066.webp)
This Chinese video will teach you how to write the Chinese word for patience, nai xin. ...
![Chinese calligraphy on a scroll.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634756071334167857_a7d03cab44.webp)
This Chinese language video will teach you how to say and write the different Chinese characters used for location. ...
!["How to Say "I Love You" in Vietnamese" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753088071518161_256210d202.webp)
Linguist Bud Brown teaches how to say "I love you" and gives tips and advice on learning Vietnamese. ...
![Man sitting in a car with a caption in Vietnamese and English saying "Let's go out."](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753747000545991_29462016ad.webp)
Linguist Bud Brown shares some insights and advice about learning Vietnamese. This video talks about how to say the imperative (command) form. ...
!["How to Learn Vietnamese tag questions" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634758206125566695_c9955473ef.webp)
Linguist Bud Brown share his insights on tag questions in Vietnamese. Bud first explains what are tag questions, then teaches how to form the tag question in Vietnamese. It's fun and easy, isn't it? ...
!["How to Say "Glad to Meet You" in VIetnamese" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634754331493254040_011d4fb698.webp)
Linguist Bud Brown shares his insights into the Vietnamese language. This video talks about how to say "I'm glad to meet you" after being introduced and different ways to say "You're Welcome" after so ...
!["How to Learn tagalog "My and Your"" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753711875932519_27400bb003.webp)
Linguist, Bud Brown shares his insights into the personal possessive forms "my" and "your". You gotta know these words and how to use them for everyday conversation for tagalog. ...