In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn how to say a few phrases in Polish. They are shown on the screen in English and Polish. Here are the phrases that are taught: "Don't be afraid." "ni ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to say "yes, no, maybe, & no, thank you" in Vietnamese. To say "yes", you will say "D_" in Vietnamese, this sounds like "yah". To say "no", you will say "Kh™ng". To say ...
In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn some words that are useful while at a park in Italian. A disclaimer before the video states that this video is designed to teach non Italian speakers som ...
In this video, we learn how to talk about things in a kitchen in Italian. Learning Italian around the kitchen can be easy, you just need to make sure you say the words our right. Sugar in Italian is " ...
In this video from AbcSchoolofPolish we learn some basic Polish phrases. The first phrase is "I'd like to make an appointment to see a dentist." In Polish this is "Chce sie umowic na wizyte u dent ...
In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn how to say various positions in Italian. This is taught by showing someone doing these positions in, in front, and other ways around a box. Here are the ...
In this video, we learn how to say basic ordering phrases in Polish: "Menu" & "tea". When watching the video, you need to make sure you practice saying out the words after you hear them spoken. The wo ...
Learning a few basic sentences or phrases in any language can be helpful sometimes in certain situations. This is particularly important when considering words like "hello", "what is your name" or "my ...
In this video from AbcSchoolOfPolish we learn various phrases that you can use to compliment your partner. The phrases are read out loud in Polish twice and shown on the screen so you can learn them. ...
In this free video language lesson from Sunny Park of Mahalo, we learn how to say, pronounce and write the Korean words for "Can you help me?" For details, and to get started using this handy Korean p ...