![Japanese text for "bought" (かった) with English translation.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753541445854090_c3e4052e98.webp)
Trying to increase your Japanese vocabulary? This video language lesson shows simple verbs in the past tense form written in Japanese as well as English while the word is clearly pronounced. Follow ...
![Japanese character for "buy" with English translation below.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753769198677587_a5500263ee.webp)
Trying to increase your Japanese vocabulary? This video language lesson shows simple verbs written in Japanese as well as English while the word is clearly pronounced. Follow along while watching th ...
!["How to Learn basic Japanese sentence structure" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753554677777228_30ac589104.webp)
In English, sentences follow the SVO, subject verb object, structure. Japanese, on the other hand goes by the SOV, subejct object verb, structure. As it's a little counter-intuitive to a non-native ...
![A man in a black shirt gesturing while seated at a table with papers.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634752794809118982_d4d3b1aa34.webp)
Where to start when learning a language, that's neither here nor there. This video language lesson starts building up a basic Japanese vocabulary of location words. Watch this video Japanese languag ...
![Number six in Chinese characters.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753986443963219_0bb0e7fdda.webp)
You're in Japan trying to buy something, but don't know how much it costs? Numbers are important to know, and simple to learn. This video language lesson shows the days of the week written in Japane ...
![Saturday in Japanese with English translation.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634753386525969225_b7236bdb48.webp)
You're in Japan but don't know what today is or what tomorrow is going to be? The days of the week are important to know, and simple to learn. This video language lesson shows the days of the week w ...
!["How to Understand old school hip hop slang" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633573499878273750_d6e7010122.webp)
Check out this language video to learn what some old school hip hop slang words really meant. Dr. Dre and Ed Lover let us know what some of these old school hip hop slang used in the Yo! days really m ...
!["How to Pronounce Linus Torvalds in Swedish, Finnish & English" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634754508894808856_11b600a427.webp)
Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux operating system, often raises eyebrows with a name that may not flow easily off the tongue. As a finlandsvenskar/suomenruotsalainen, or a Swedish-speaking Finn a ...
!["How to Decipher the rapper slang word "fishbowl"" cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633572800028117500_bf63fb01ad.webp)
Find out what rapper slang really means, and learn how and when to bust it out on Sway's Hip Hop Owner's Manuel. Sway helps decode the most confusing rap lyrics in this language video. In this episode ...
![A person standing in a classroom with educational materials on the walls.](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/634754278062068193_db01235714.webp)
Check out this instructional Japanese language video for a lesson in Japanese slang. Practice your lingo and impress native Japanese language speakers with your firm grasp of their vernacular. This vi ...