Can you speak like the Beatles? Not bloody likely! Well, you CAN learn to speak with a Liverpudlian accent IF you check out this video and wrap your head and tongue around the words. This accent is a ...
Planning a trip to the Philippines? You'll want to pick up a little Tagalog before you go! This tutorial is perfect for a beginner to the language. Learn how to say a few basic words, greetings and ph ...
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to ten in French: "un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, neuf, dix"! While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language ...
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to one hundred in perfect French" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many ...
People respond so much better to requests when you add the word "please" in front of them. So if you're stuck in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, it's vital that you add "please" when necessary to ...
If for whatever reason you are marooned in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, the key to your livelihood will be in how well you communicate. One of the most important Spanish phrases you need to le ...
Are you studying abroad in Spain? Then at one point or another you will find yourself in situation of saying either to your roommate or sexy hot fling that you're going to work. In that situation, che ...
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you and your family don't speak the same language. Get through at least the beginning of your Than ...
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you don't speak the same language. If you have family that only speaks French, check out this vide ...
Are your relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? It's probably hard enough entertaining the adults with conversation while trying to keep the kids from drawing on your walls, and probably even harder ...