A video that is essentially a part of series of videos, that deal with teaching indirect speech basics to intermediate and above level English language learners. This video deals with teaching how ...
This is a video tutorial in the Language category where you are going to learn how to tag questions with indefinite pronouns in English. A tag question begins as a statement and ends as a question. He ...
Learn simple statements in speaking Hindi male/female. Like for male, if you say I walk it would be "main chaltaa hun" in Hindi and "main chaltee hun" for female so main for I chaltaa or chaltee for w ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic. As you practice doing these pronunciations, you will need to watch the video where the letters are drawn out for you. It w ...
In this video, we learn how to use reflexive verbs in Spanish. All of the reflexive verbs are related. Once you have your verb changed, you will have to change how you are saying the different words i ...
In this video, we learn how to use basic words in Hindi. The easiest way to learn the basic words is to hear them and see them at the same time. When you are saying "I" you will say "main" in Hindi. W ...
In this video, we learn how to order food and drinks in Spanish. First, you will need to learn how to say "to want", "I need", "please", "to be able to". Once you familiarize yourself with these phras ...
In this video, we learn how to replace possessive nouns and adjectives with pronouns. Using pronouns to replace possessive nouns and adjectives is simple, an example includes: Joe's car is dirty, woul ...
This video tutorial in the Language category will show you how to understand the sequence of tenses for English. This is useful when you want to change direct speech to indirect speech and also for un ...
Learn Hindi and speak some of the body parts, colors and numbers. So if you say head it will be "sir" in Hindi, Forehead is "matha", cheek is "gaal", tooth is "daant", lip is "honth", mouth is "muh" ( ...